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Ally Davies

Contact Information

Ally Davies


About Me

Ally Davies is an Arizona-based real estate agent with a passion for data research and statistical analysis.
Born and raised in Ukraine, she moved to the United States without any knowledge of the English
language but is now fluent and uses it to help clients find their dream homes.
Ally’s impressive educational background includes a Bachelor’s degree in Statistics from Arizona State
University and a Master’s degree in Creative Business Leadership from the Savannah College of Art and
Design. She spent nearly five years as a research and data analyst before transitioning to the real estate
industry, where her analytical skills and attention to detail have proven to be invaluable assets for her
As a proud dog owner, Ally loves spending time with her silver lab named Honey, and enjoys going to
the gym, re-watching old movies, and practicing yoga in her free time. She also used to compete in
international ballroom dance competitions, which taught her the importance of hard work, discipline, and
Ally’s passion for real estate is fueled by her love for helping others and her desire to make the home
buying or selling process as smooth and stress-free as possible. She prides herself on her ability to use
data analysis to provide her clients with valuable insights and make informed decisions, all while offering
personalized service and expert guidance.

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