After living his own version of the American dream, Ukrainian immigrant Oleg Bortman – a Phoenix real estate broker and co-founder of The Brokery – wanted to pass along the wisdom he’s gained from a multifaceted career and “investment” from people who believed in him. In Always Ahead: 12 Striking Stories of Determination, Commitment and Inspiration in Pursuit of Success and Freedom (Best Seller Publishing, $19.95), Bortman shares his story and those of a dozen other entrepreneurs, including Upward Projects co-founder and CEO Lauren Bailey. “This book is not necessarily about investing in the traditional sense – like acquiring a house, stock, crypto, property or art…” he writes. “These authors are investors who invested in their own education and experience… and who were themselves investees, guided by important mentors along the way.” It’s a local version of Chicken Soup for the Entrepreneur’s Soul – equal parts inspiring and pragmatic.